"We are extremely delighted to be able to offer these free services to our clients. These Health New Zealand funded positions are here to help you, by working with you to improve your wellbeing."
The Point-Health Team
Health Improvement Practitioner (HIP): Margaret Bruce
HIPs are experienced mental health clinicians who work with people of all ages and their family. They help people with any issues impacting on their health and wellbeing.
Sessions are brief (15-30 minutes) and focus on what is important to you, today. At your first session you will get some strategies and a plan to start making some positive changes. There are no limits to how often you can see the HIP. They will work with you until you are making progress towards your goals. This may only take one session, but you can always come back and see them again if new issues come up.
Health Coach: Maria Van Den Bosch
Health Coaches are not registered health professionals, but they are trained in Health Coaching and work as part of your general practice team. They help you gain the knowledge, skills and confidence to better manage your health. This can include helping you set yourself health goals and supporting you as you work towards them.
Health Coaches may also help you and your family find resources in your community or online, to support your social, emotional and physical wellbeing. They will support you over time to make progress towards your goals.
Click on the link below for more information on Health Improvement Practitioners (HIPs) & Health Coaches. The Link is a 'Health New Zealand' and 'New Zealand Government' endorsed website with real people sharing their stories of success using these Free services.